Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s first global event to be held under the theme of “TOKYO City-Tech”
The Global Event 2023 Executive Committee will hold a global event to support both Japanese and international startup companies, at the Tokyo International Forum in February next year, aiming at contributing to the evolution and globalization of the Tokyo startup ecosystem and Tokyo’s development.
Information about the event is as follows.
1 開催概要 Event Outline
Date and Time: Monday, February 27 – Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Main Location: Tokyo International Forum (3-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
(* Hybrid event (in-person and online).The Official name for the event to be determined.)
2 グローバルイベント2023実行委員会 Global Event 2023 Executive Committee members
職名 Title | 所属等 Organization |
委員長 Chairman | 東京都 副知事 Vice Governor of Tokyo Metropolitan Government |
副委員長 Vice Chairman | 東京都 国際金融都市戦略担当局長 Director General for Global Financial City Strategy Office of the Governor for Policy Planning of Tokyo Metropolitan Government |
委員 Member | (一社)日本経済団体連合会 常務理事 Managing Director KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation) |
委員 Member | (公社)経済同友会 常務理事 Managing Director KEIZAI DOYUKAI(Japan Association of Corporate Executives) |
委員 Member | (一社)新経済連盟 事務局長 Executive Director Japan Association of New Economy |
委員 Member | 東京商工会議所 常務理事 Managing Director Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
委員 Member | (一社)日本ベンチャーキャピタル協会 常務理事 Managing Director Japan Venture Capital Association |
委員 Member | (一社)スタートアップエコシステム協会 代表理事 Representative Director Startup Ecosystem Association Japan |
氏名 Name | 所属等 Organization/Company |
小田嶋 Alex 太輔 Taisuke Alex Odajima | 合同会社エッジオブ・イノベーション CEO CEO EDGEof INNOVATION |
名倉 勝 Masaru Nagura | CIC Tokyo ゼネラル・マネージャー General Manager CIC Tokyo |
西口 尚宏 Naohiro Nishiguchi | 一般社団法人Japan Innovation Network(JIN) 代表理事 CEO Japan Innovation Network (JIN) |
藤本 あゆみ Ayumi Fujimoto | Plug and Play Japan株式会社 執行役員CMO Executive Officer, CMO Plug &Play Japan |
3 イベントビジョン Event Vision
TOKYO City-Tech for a sustainable future, powered by startup spirit
※City-Tech is a new approach to create a vision to solve large cities’ common issues with various
ideas and technologies
4 プログラム(予定) Program (Planned)
・国内外のスタートアップと大企業、行政のオープンイノベーションの推進 等
・ Keynote speeches by participants from abroad
・ Talk sessions by start-up companies, domestic and international firms, investors, experts, etc.
・ Pitch contest with both Japanese and international startups
・ Demonstrations by companies in themed exhibition booths
・ Activities for facilitating open innovation among domestic and international startups, major
companies and public sectors etc.
5 開催目的 Purpose
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has set a goal of making Tokyo “the most startup-friendly city in
the world” as one of its visions for the 2040s in its comprehensive plan, “Future Tokyo Strategy”. In February 2022, it also formulated “Startup Collaboration Strategy ver. 1.0”, working to promote startup measures across all relevant departments of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. This event will be held as one of the major projects to implement this strategy.
The event aims to contribute to the evolution and globalization of the Tokyo startup ecosystem by strengthening and expanding relationships between Japanese and international players, and attracting overseas investors. In addition, this event also has the purpose of contributing to Tokyo’s development and the improvement of lives of Tokyo residents by promoting overseas startups’ expansion to Tokyo and their business development in Tokyo as well as the global business expansion of Japanese companies through collaboration with overseas s
Establishment of Collaborative System for Event Implementation
We would like to proceed with preparations for a successful event by establishing a broad public-private partnership with related organizations and companies involved in supporting startups, as well as relevant events. If you would be interested in sharing your ideas and working with us, please email to the Global Event 2023 Executive Committee Secretariat.
関連情報 Related Information
“Future Tokyo Strategy” Vision 14 “Startups” (formulated in March 2021)
・「『未来の東京』戦略 version up 2022」(2022年2月策定)
“Future Tokyo Strategy” version up 2022 (formulated in February 2022)